Getting Started

Following the OWL 2 schema ontology, we provide the following RDF/Turtle for colour ontology in the fashion industry.

Downloading our ontology

Download here.
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You should get a turtle file ended with ".ttl". This format could be opened using any text editor or Protégé (strongly recommended), a free and open-source ontology editor.

Describing a colour definition

Colour definition is a concept for all existing colours. This definition is modelled as a class in our ontology.

Every colour is uniquely identified by a hexadecimal string, or HTML code. It encodes the Red, Green, Blue colour channel information of a colour using a six-degit string. This class also include other useful attributes for describing colours, such as temperature, hue, saturation, brightness.

You could feel free to add a new colour definition data in our database and link it with other classes. Also, our ontology model is flexible, where you could easily add additional colour properties.

An example data for #fff44f is displayed below:
:fff44f rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
:ColourDefinition ;
:hasColourName :Lemon_Eggradients ,
:Lemon_Yellow_Eggradients ,
:Lemon_Yellow_Sewguide ;
:isOfGroup :Yellow_Group ;
:brightness "100.0"^^xsd:float ;
:hex_string "#fff44f" ;
:hue "56.2"^^xsd:float ;
:saturation "69.0"^^xsd:float ;
:temperature "Warm"@en .

Describing a colour group

You might notice that we have an object property named isOfGroup, which defines a classification for each colour. This property links each colour to a unique colour group, based on its location on the colour wheel. Different colour groups are also linked based on the colour relationship from the colour theory.

In our ontology, there are 12 groups in total, with 3 primary colours, 3 secondary colours, and 6 tertiary colours, including Azure, Blue, Chartreuse, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, Rose, Spring Green, Violet, and Yellow.

An example data for Blue_Group is shown below:
:Blue_Group rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
:ColourGroup ;
:analogousWithDistance1 :Azure_Group ,
:Violet_Group ;
:analogousWithDistance2 :Cyan_Group ,
:Magenta_Group ;
:complementaryOf :Yellow_Group ;
:tetradicWith :Rose_Group ,
:Spring_Green_Group ;
:triadicWith :Green_Group ,
:Red_Group ;
:name "Blue"@en ,
"蓝"@zh-hans ,
"azul"@es ,
:colour_group_type "Primary"@en .

Describing a colour name

Due to the surjective nature of human's vision ability, different people may name a colour differently. Since we don't want to obligatorily restrict the same naming to the same colour, our ontology model encourages diverse namings. Users could define multiple colour names based on the sources they are refering to.

In our ontology, we refer to three sources, which are Sewguide, Eggradients and ISCC-NBS Corlour System.

An example data for Blue_Heather_Sewguide is shown below:
:Blue_Heather_Sewguide rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
:ColourName ;
:hasColourDefinition ;
:colour_name "Blue Heather"@en ;
:source "Sewguide"@en .


The Colour Ontology for FTP provides main concepts and properties fo describing colours in the fashion industry.

Latest version: Download here.
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Created: 2022-07-04
Last modified: 2022-07-12
Authors: Zishan (Taylor) Qin, Sergio José Rodríguez Méndez, and Priscilla Kan John.
Summary: The vocabulary includes 1407 instances, with 10 object properties and 11 data properties.

Concept map

FTP Colour Ontology Model


Class Name Description Attribute Relationship
ColourDefinition Describes the definition and properties of colours brightness, hex_string, hue, saturation, temperature hasColourName, isOfGroup
ColourGroup Describes the definition and properties of colour groups colour_group_name (@en, @zh-Hans, @fr, @es), colour_group_type hasColourGroupRelationship
ColourName Describes different names of colours (together with the sources information). colour_name, source hasColourDefinition

Object properties

Note: If two terms are inverses, only one term is marked as the inverse of the other (ignoring the other direction for clarity).

Term Name Subproperty Of Inverse Of Domain Range
analogousWith hasColourGroupRelationship None ColourGroup ColourGroup
analogousWithDistance1 analogousWith None ColourGroup ColourGroup
analogousWithDistance2 analogousWith None ColourGroup ColourGroup
complementaryOf hasColourGroupRelationship None ColourGroup ColourGroup
hasColourDefinition None hasColourName ColourDefinition ColourName
hasColourGroupRelationship None None ColourGroup ColourGroup
hasColourName None None ColourDefinition ColourName
isOfGroup None None ColourDefinition ColourGroup
tetradicWith hasColourGroupRelationship None ColourDefinition ColourGroup
triadicWith hasColourGroupRelationship None ColourDefinition ColourGroup

Data properties

Term Name Class Type
brightness ColourDefinition float
colour_group_type ColourGroup string
colour_name ColourName string
hex_string ColourDefinition string
hue ColourDefinition float
colour_group_name ColourGroup string (@en, @es, @fr, @zh-Hans)
saturation ColourDefinition float
source ColourName float
temperature ColourDefinition string


Download the full vocabulary.
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